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III Engenheiro do Futuro
8 08America/Sao_Paulo março 08America/Sao_Paulo 2018 @ 08:00 - 9 09America/Sao_Paulo março 09America/Sao_Paulo 2018 @ 17:00
Confira as inovações nos cursos de engenharia da UFMG com dois palestrantes internacionais: David Goldberg e Ken Singer. O Prof. Goldberg também apresentará uma palestra (em inglês) nesta quarta-feira, às 16h00 na sala de seminários 1010. O tema é: “The Emotional Core of the New Educator of Reflective Practitioners”.Segue abaixo um resumo da palestra. Confirmem a presença através do e-mail diretor@eng.ufmg.br.
Title: The Emotional Core of the New Educator of Reflective Practitioners
Abstract: Being an educator of professionals used to be easy. You go to school, become an expert in some narrow arcane field, teach specialist course for graduate students and generalist courses for undergraduates (in which you’re less expert and actually learn the material), and publish research papers that a small, but earnest group of compatriots cites. Now, however, faculty members are called on to learn the ins and outs of experiential and active learning and become pied pipers to help students become more engaged in their own learning. A largely unexamined portion of this latter enterprise is the emotional cost of the vulnerability to not knowing something in a more open educational experience. This interactive exercise examines so-called imposter syndrome from the standpoint of the open classroom. Using Caillet’s Thinking Path construct, participants examine the thoughts, feelings, actions, and results of the imposter story, uncovering most of the dysfunction of faculty life in so doing. Thereafter, the group reflects on imposter syndrome, vulnerability, and wholeheartedness after reflecting on a short video. The session ends with a discussion on how to bring the insights of the session to the creation of more effective educational experiences.