The events held by the Jean Monnet Chair (PostPan), with the collaboration of the Cedeplar and the Center for European Studies of UFMG, have continued since 2021 the sequence of Jean Monnet activities that have been held at FACE/UFMG since 2015. They are organised into four series: the Jean Monnet Lectures in European Integration, the Max Weber Lectures in History of European Ideas, the Research Seminars, and the Mini-courses, all with the participation of leading international experts and with open participation.
Mar. 2024:
Jean Monnet Lecture:
European Economic Governance: Historical Perspectives and Challenges Ahead
Prof. Fabio Masini (Università Roma Tre)
Discussant: Gilberto Libanio (UFMG)
25/03/24, 16:00h, Aud. 1 (FACE/UFMG)

Research Workshop: “The political economy of uncertainty”
Participants: Alexandre Mendes Cunha, Luiz Felipe Bruzzi, Fabio Masini, Florencia Sember, Katia Caldari, Michele Bee, Victor Cruz e Silva, Kai Lehmann, Marcos Gustavo Pires Melo
26-27/03/2024, Aud. 4 (FACE/UFMG)

Jean Monnet Lecture:
Two Years On: Russian invasion of Ukraine and the security implications for Germany and for the EU
Prof. Christian E. Rieck (Universität Potsdam)
20/03/24, 15:00h, online

Dec. 2023:
Max Weber Lecture:
ADAM SMITH and Sympathetic Cosmopolitanis
Profa. Maria Pia Paganelli (Trinity University)
Discussant: Ivan Sternick (UFMG)
11/12/23, 14:30h, Aud. 4 (FACE/UFMG)

Aug. 2023:
Jean Monnet Lecture:
The History of European Union: Core Dynamics and Lessons from the Past
Prof. Kiran Patel (Universität München)
Discussant: Luiz Felipe Bruzzi (UFMG)
29/08/23, 14:30h, Aud. 1070 (FACE/UFMG)

Mar. 2023:
Jean Monnet Lecture:
Uma nova Onda de Autocratizações? Crise das democracias e Populismo
Prof. António Costa Pinto (Universidade de Lisboa)
Discussant: Alexandre Mendes Cunha (UFMG)
09/03/23, 14:00h, Aud. 4 (FACE/UFMG)

Dec. 2022:
Jean Monnet Lecture:
Ordoliberalism as a Political Economy of Power
Prof. Raphaël Fèvre (Université Côte d’Azur)
Discussant: Luiz Felipe Bruzzi (UFMG)
20/12/22, 14:30h, Aud. 1 (FACE/UFMG) + Zoom Meeting

Jun. 2022:
Jean Monnet Lecture:
The realists got it right? war in Ukraine and NATO’s enlargement in the Baltic Sea Region
Prof. Juhana Aunesluoma (University of Helsinki)
Discussant: Carolina Moulin (UFMG)
21/06/22, 14:00h, Aud. 1 (FACE/UFMG) + Zoom Meeting

Aug. 2020:
Jean Monnet Lecture:
La integración latinoamericana, tan lejos de Europa y tan cerca de Estados Unidos
Prof. Joaquín Roy (University of Miami, EUA)
Discussants: Alexandre Mendes Cunha (UFMG) and Bernardo Campolina (UFMG)
27/08/2020, 14:30h (Belo Horizonte), Zoom Meeting

Dec. 2019:
Max Weber Lecture (preceded by a Mentoring Session):
The Discourse of Free Trade Before Dogmatism: Smith to Ricardo
Prof. Ryan Walter (University of Queensland)
Discussant: Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak (UFMG)
December 3, 2019, 14:30h, Aud. 1 (FACE/UFMG)

Oct. 2019:
Jean Monnet Research Seminar:
Book Launch Event: Uma introdução à União Europeia: história, política e economia, edited by Alexandre Mendes Cunha (Editora Fino Traço, 2019)
2:30 pm to 4 pm: Round table: “O ensino de Blocos Regionais e Integração Europeia”
Presenters: Alexandre Mendes Cunha (UFMG), Patrícia Nasser de Carvalho (UFMG) & Bernardo Campolina (UFMG)
Chair and discussant: Alexandre Queiroz (FJP)
4 pm to 4:30 pm: Coffee Break
4:30 pm to 6 pm: Round table: “União Europeia e as respostas às crises dentro e fora de seu território”
Presenters: Brigitte Weiffen (USP) & Kai Lehmann (USP)
Chair and discussant: Carolina Moulin (UFMG)
October 29, 2019, 2:30 pm to 6 pm, Aud. 1 (FACE/UFMG)

Aug. 2019:
Max Weber Lecture (preceded by a Mentoring Session):
The making of Bolshevik economics and European economic ideas
Prof. Denis Melnik (Higher School of Economics, Rússia)
Discussant: Eduardo Albuquerque (UFMG)
26/08/2019, 15h, Aud. Rodrigo Ferreira Simões (FACE/UFMG)

Jun. 2019:
Jean Monnet Mini-course:
Statistics for the Study of Gender Equality. Methods and Tools to implement Gender Sensitive Indicators in EU
Professor: Giulia Zacchia (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
06/03-06/19 – 9 AM to 12 AM
Auditorium 3 (FACE/UFMG)

Feb. 2019:
Jean Monnet Workshop:
Interwar Economics and the Intellectual Origins of European Integration
Participants: Alexandre Mendes Cunha, José Luís Cardoso, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, Giuliana Laschi, António Costa Pinto, Katia Caldari, Erwin Dekker, Harald Hagemann, Raphaël Fèvre, Timo Miettinen, Antonio Masala, Valerio Torreggiani, Oksana Levkovych, Roberto Lampa e James Ashley Morrison.
11-12/02/2019, Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon (Portugal), Polivalente Room
Jointly hosted by the Jean Monnet Chair (“Economics, Political Economy and the Building of the European Integration Project” – EPEbEIP) of UFMG’s School of Economics and the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon (Research Group Power, Society and Globalization)

Sep. 2018:
Call for papers for the Jean Monnet Workshop: Interwar Economics and the Intellectual Origins of European Integration (Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, February 13-14, 2019)
(Deadline for submissions: September 21, 2018)
August 2018:
Jean Monnet Mini-course:
European Economic Thought in the Inter-War Period
Professors: Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”); Harald Hagemann (Universität Hohenheim) & Rebeca Gomez Betancourt (Université Lumière Lyon 2) / Coordination: Alexandre Mendes Cunha e Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak (UFMG)
08/13-7/18, Room 3017 (FACE/UFMG)

June 2018:
Jean Monnet Mini-course:
Current EU values in EU external relations
Prof. Kirstyn Inglis (USP)
06/21/18, Auditorium 4 (FACE/UFMG)

November 2017:
Jean Monnet Lecture (preceded by a Mentoring Session)
Economic ideas in the inter-war period: the case of corporatism
José Luís Cardoso (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Discussants: Mauricio Coutinho (Unicamp) and Alexandre Cunha (UFMG) 09/11/2017, 3 pm, Auditorium 3 (FACE / UFMG)

October 2017:
Jean Monnet Round table:
WATER MANAGEMENT IN EUROPE: Institutions, instruments and challenges
Participants: Brigitte Vinçon-Leite (LEESU-ENPC, France), Brian Smith (Yourkshire Water, UK), Rémi Barbier (ENGEES, France), Sylvain Payraudeau (ENGEES, France), Galina Priakhina (State University of Saint Petersburg, Russia), Sergei Zhuravlev (SUSP, Russia), Oscar Cordeiro Netto (UnB, Brazil), Nilo Nascimento (UFMG, Brazil).
10/23/2017, School of Engineering of UFMG (Room 4501)

Max Weber Lecture (preceded by a Mentoring Session):
Max Weber, Liberalism and Ordoliberalism in Germany
Jens Hacke (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany) Discussant: Arthur Assis (UnB)
10/17/2017, 3 pm, Auditorium 1 (FACE / UFMG)